This is a shout out for all the moms out there with more than one child that happens to only be a few years apart. For two days I have been watching my nephew (age 3) and niece (age 1), who I dearly love, and let me tell you, I've decided that I have had things WAY too easy. I have had my eyes opened to the land of "Whys, How comes, and What's thats" at least 100 times a day, small little fingers that can snatch up any thing within a foot's length away quicker than I can process that a tub of yogurt just went flying through the air, painting with a baby on your hip while simultaneously trying to keep her from grabbing my glasses, sticking her fingers in the wet paint, or grabbing the paint brush,the joys of tattletaling, and my very favorite trying to help 3 year old go poo at the park while in a VERY disgusting bathroom with only one arm (being that baby was on my hip) while trying to not freak out when Landyn exclaims I think I got some on my pants (by the way wiping with said very quick baby grabbing everything with one hand is like an acrobatic trick). These are a few among the very long list of things that have made me want to run to the bathroom lock the door and rock back and forth sitting on the toilet while telling myself to think of a happy place. It's not very often I have to watch out when I turn around because there is a baby literally under my feet. I think I've come up with some new dance moves while trying to not squish her. Right now as I speak I have declared it officially quiet time with a "Why?" from Landyn of course. Answer: Aunt Hailey needs a time out or every ones going to take a nap! Nobody around here likes the "N" word apparently because that has seemed to do the trick for now. It has been a new experience for Wyatt as well. Whenever he tries to play the Wii or do something in his room I hear "Shayleigh NO", Shayleigh NO, "Shayyleigghhh Nooo!"......"MOM!!!" I asked Wyatt if he would still like a baby sister he quickly informed me "NO"! I think he was probably speaking in the heat of the moment.
Despite all of the chaos over the last couple of days I have also experienced many joyful moments that I wouldn't have had if they were not here. I would have missed Landyn saying "Hailey, I miss you.", or wouldn't have gotten the nice sloppy kisses on my cheek from him either. I would have missed the absolute and utter contentment of feeling a baby grip your shirt and cuddle up next to you like you're the best stuffed animal ever. I wouldn't have been able to rock a sweet smelling baby to sleep which brought back the best memories of Wyatt when he was that small. I definitely would have missed out on all the cute little smiles given to me from both Shayleigh and Landyn. I'm thankful for the opportunity to become closer to them. It's been busy and crazy and I've spent all day trying to clean my house while each time going back into the living room experiencing deija vu because I could have swore I just picked up those toys, but I'm proud to say through it all I have yet to run away to the bathroom (it has definitely crossed my mind though).
December 2023 Randoms
1 year ago
You are TOO funny! I hear you though, your story made me laugh. Some days with two little ones are really tough, and you don't know how you got through the day or what exactly you got accomplished, besides feeding and changing them, but it's oh so worth it at the end of the long day. You're an awesome sister to take two little ones like that! If you ever want practice with a 2 year old and 4 month old, PLEASE let me know, I think their father would say, "that could easily be arranged!". Love you! :)
I miss you too, or well, I have missed you! I loved reading your insight into your life from the last two days. Little children can be so difficult, and so the best too!!! I'm proud of you for not going to the bathroom (well, for not going to rock in there anyway!!!) Oh, BTW, thanks for being my friend and for commenting on my contest! It means the world to me!
I am laughing so hard I am seriously crying! You are so funny you crack me up and I can totally see you doing all of these things and it makes me laugh even harder cause I can semi relate and I only have one, so I agree with you and my hat is off to all mothers who have more then one child that young or even more mothers with guys are amazing. You are amazing too Hailey and I am sure you were great with those two!
love your story, I feel the same way about cleaning my house, I feel like that is all I do, and it is still dirty! Hope you have recooperated.
I'm right there with you on the clean house. I never seem to get it picked up but I live with Treyden aka the destroyer of all. Between him and the baby my house seems to always be a mess. One day though....
I've missed you too! I love being able to read up on everyone.
Hey thanks for reading my cheesy poem, how funny I can't believe that I put that on here for everyone to read, but it is just to funny to me now. Anyway you are to sweet and I hope you know that I am thankful for our friendship!
That made me laugh so hard. I love how you put everything into just the right words. I know it is going to be way crazy with another little one around here. I am excited though. I agree that the smiles and I love you's get you through some days. The other day Sydney looked up at me and said,"Mommy, I love you most infinity and beyond." That is her way of saying I love you. It made my day and made me so happy and blessed to be a mom. I miss you tons.
Hailey, you should write books or newspaper articles or something. You are so hilarious and able to describe the moment, feelings, etc. to a "T". Way to go, surrogate Mom! You really forget how hard it is to have an infant, too. I bet, though, Wyatt will feel differently when it is your own. :) Something about that changes. We love you guys!
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